Still No Internet

It sucks. A lot.
According to my Dad, the net came back for a few minutes though.
Same thing with my sister when she was on.

I have a sneaking suspicion that my Wii is to blame.
I’ll have to test that theory though first.

In other news, I’m borrowing Mario Kart Wii off of a friend.
This game is freaking amazing.

FC: 1032 1891 4509

How was your weekend?

Mine wasn’t too bad.
I had Mr. Pickles and Kero over.
It was jawesome.

Net died on Sunday. That sucked.
I don’t know if it’s back yet.

Oh Kero, I unlocked everyone in the Bleach game.
#6 doesn’t have his release, he instead just does a spiritual power up.
While that IS lame, I will say that his ultimate attack is incredibly jawesome.
Same goes for #4.

They gave good voices to both #6, and #4.

The numbers were put instead of names to avoid spoilers.
Kero should know who I’m talking about. Which is good.

It’s Friday!


I didn’t have to go do the thing I thought I’d have to go do this morning.
Instead, it’s being pushed to sometime in the afternoon on Tuesday.


It rained semi-hardcore this morning.
I had to walk in it. Sadface.
I hate being in the rain unless I has rain gear, or an umbrella. But I had neither.
Everytime I state my disdain for rain (lol, rhyme.) I remember something my Grandma used to say.
“You take showers don’t you?”
Yeah, I do take showers. But not in my clothes. Therein lies the problem. Clothes.

…I ran out of things to say.

Bleach – Shattered Blade (Wii) is an awesome game.

I might not be around for the next few days.

Now, bear in mind, this is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY, but it still IS a possibility.
But I might end up going to Toronto in place of my Dad for a few days.
Which would suck.
While I am very doubtful that this will happen, and in fact I’m practically sure of it…
I’m not going to rule it out. Otherwise Karma would step in.
Hence why I’m telling you all.

So if I suddenly disappear and I’m not heard from, assume that.
…Or that my net died again.

Either or.

I think my Wii got its signal back finally but I’m not sure. Someone Wiisg me.

Wiisg = Wiissage = Wii Message

A Few Upsetting Notions

So, a few things have bothered and/or upset me in some way.
By upset, I mean I probably didn’t like it.
But I digress.

EDIT: I didn’t do ESM #17 again. Sorry. I’ve just been in a fuck everything mood lately. No this does not mean that I’m oh so ronery, so shaddup even BEFORE you start. 😛

TMC is dead.
On the cold logical upside, I have regained a portion of time I would normally spend there.
I’d have liked to keep going there. I’ll probably check in from time to time.
But I won’t be doing a damn thing. I’m sick of the users not caring anymore.
So ah well, I’ll deal with it.

Next order of business.
A few other places I go to have died or are seemingly dead.
So I’ve stopped hoping for change altogether in said places. I’m taking the TMC approach with them.

I’m losing some of the options I had when browsing the internet.
Guess I’ll focus more on doing some projects I’ve been holding back on.

Let’s move on.

Recently, as in the past few days, MSN has been a lousy rotten bitch to me.
I can sign on. And then talk for about five minutes or so. Then no one seems to be able to get messages from me. I plan on reinstalling MSN. So we’ll see how that goes.

Now we get to today.

I went to the bank during my spare.
After a long tirade of ID presenting and talking and signing things to withdraw $30 from an account because I didn’t have a bank card… I didn’t get any money.
I was told that my Grandma was the only one with the signing rights.
Yeah. My LATE Grandma. Fuck eh?
I now have to bring in death certificates before I can do anything.
Looking forward to that. Huzzah.

Also, Friday turns out to NOT be a P.A. Day like I was told. Yay.

So I’m having a funderful time. How about you guys?

Oh right, my birthday is on Thursday. All I would like is to be wished a good one on the day of.
It’s all I ever want on it.

So I killed a spider today.

It was a milk spider.
I watched it crawl down the wall and start making a web in the corner.
I dunno, but I simply just kept watching as it tediously made its newest house.
After it finished, it just sat there.
As I crushed it with the leg of the chair I was sitting on I wondered what the spider was thinking.
I also wondered if it watched the instant replay in spider afterlife.

Then I thought about how karma could get me back in the future by having a strange plastic cylinder crush me as I moved into my house.

One of the Future “Sy”s, I apologize. I has condemned your life.
My bad.

– Present Day Sy.

Oh, and in other news, ESM 13 is up.

I’m onto you.

Due to current events, my own observations, and musings, I have reached a conclusion for why my wireless continues to be a douché.

I has a couple experiments to run first, but I think if I’m right, then I win.
If I’m wrong, then I was right in that Karma/Gawd hates me.
In either case, I win. Which makes me happy.

Stay tuned nobody!


I’m sick.
Throat’s sore (inb4BJjokes), headache, stomach hurts, and for some reason my lower back hurts too.

Also for whatever crackpot reason MSN, (AND Trillian, so don’t even suggest it Fid.) and Skype won’t work. I go to sign in, and my connection dies. Every. Damn. Time. I don’t know why.

I haven’t gotten any recordings either. I should probably just make w/e the next time I get on Skype recorded. I don’t like that sentence for some reason.

…Been playing Brawl a bunch though. That’s always good.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I added a shoutbox. *adds the word shoutbox to Firefox dictionary*