Still Here…?

The comp didn’t go. I’m not sure why.
Wait nevermind, my Dad just forgot.

How ’bout that.
Guess I get to enjoy PC time for another day. Or something.
I’d like to spend said time actually playing a game or something though.

Ah well. I should get a conference going in the near future. It’s like there’s an ESM drought.
…*adds ESM to Firefox dictionary*

Not Dead Yet

I need to update this bitch more often.
Sorry, still nothing regarding ESMs.

I had recordings that I was planning on using, but they were flops.
Technical difficulties fucked that shit up.

Ah well. Oh yeah, I dropped the poll idea. No more polls.

On the comp front, nothing’s changed besides the new monitor.
AFAIK, on Tuesday it goes back to try yet another hard-drive.
I dunno.

I was dead.

I know, I haven’t updated this thing in awhile.
My fault.

…Kind of pointless to say that. Who’s fault could it be besides mine?
Nobody. No one’s fault but my own. It sucks, I suppose.
Anyways, for my reason behind my lack of updating, read the post title again.

Life 3 sure can be winly.

Moving along, my (read: The one I use.) comp is going in for a new hard-drive later today.
It’s currently an 80GB, and it will be getting a 320GB addition.
The 320GB will be the primary, and have the OS on it. It’ll then be partitioned into C: and D:, 120GB for C, and 200GB for D. The 80GB will become drive E:.
Later on the RAM is planned to be upgraded from its pitiful 256MB to something better.
So, woot.

No ESMs are currently in the making, due to the above reason. Sowwy. Wub?

My monitor is rather borked.

Which is why I haven’t been around much.

You see, my monitor thinks that it’s funny to not display ANYTHING at all.

So my sister, in her infinite wisdom of such things, applied Emergency Procedure #3 to it; Pick it up, and drop it.


##th Blog Post!

It’s a milestone, I guess.

Anyways, just thought I’d update this bitch.

So, I’ve been playing a bunch of games recently.
Okay just Echoes, and Wind Waker the most.
Games be jawesome. Wind Waker is a little annoying on the denying me freedom thing though.
I still don’t see why Echoes is usually considered the black sheep of the series.

Away from games for a moment (ZOMG!), let’s go to ESM status.
I’m currently out of recordings again, so I dunno when the next one will be.
It’ll probably happen sometime this weekend. Stay tuned I guess.

Oh and I think something might be UP, but I can’t quite say…

…I wasn’t in school yesterday or the day before.
That sucks. I can only imagine the homework situation.
Yesterday I wasn’t in school because I was waiting for a guy to come and install the new thermostat, and remove the old one. My dad was at work and my sister “was missing too much school” so I got the shaft there. The day before yesterday I was waiting for the Electrical Inspector to come by. Same reasons as the yesterday’s school abscence. I don’t need this, I need to be at school for my Maths and smarts so I can go to more schoolses for mathses and smarts.


Oh, and I still need to come up with something else for the site besides ESMs.
Maybe a webcomic or something, I dunno.


OJ is Gone.

We had to give her up to the Humane Society.
AFAIK, she’s with Animal Control at the moment though.
It makes me a sad panda. She’s an awesome cat.
She just didn’t use the litter box much. That’s all.
I hope she escapes. If she does I bet she’ll show up at my house again, at the back door, waiting to be let in. She’s just awesome enough to do so.

Famine Update: A little over 3 hours remains. I seem to be fine still. Did some mega-gaming last night. Brawl, Wiikart, and Bleach were all played. Others played Brawl on a seperate Wii, Guitar Hero II (or was it III? I forget.) on a PS2, and Halo 3 in the hallway. Also there were TVs all over the school, and people were hooking up other consoles or DVD players and watching movies or playing games. ‘Twas awesome.

EDIT: Oh yeah, my internet came back yesterday morning apparently. I verified this when I got home last night and tried it. Coincidently, I removed my Wii from the house on that day to bring to the Famine/Games Club. Maybe my Wii WAS the culprit after all. Hrm.

30 Hour Famine

Basically, I don’t eat for 30 hours.
I then get a pizza party. Also today’s Games Club will go until like 10 or 11 PM. 😀
I also get 18 hours of community service out of it.

I’m a couple of hours into it right now.
It was too late for me to eat breakfast though.

I still don’t have internet.

But I’m making do for now.