An ESM-Related Update

I don’t have any recordings.
So no ESMs for a little while.
My internet connection has been shit terrible lately.
This is due to the network I usually jack being down.
I’m rotating between a couple alternates now.
MSN & Skype only work half the time because of this.

Moving on, ESM-status is currently non-existent.
Hope the title didn’t get your hopes up.

I can Dual-Wield ESMs

I just can’t seem to upload them.
Two more ESMs have been completed.

ESM 38: Pull A Button
ESM 39: Oreo Raped

I will upload them later.
Possibly tomorrow.
I would upload them now, but I’m being lazy.

Also, I am now finally out of recordings again.

*added’d “SY” to Firefox Dictionary*


It has been brought to my attention (Via Skirb, and Kaze.) that ESM 36 repeats part of itself for some reason I don’t know.

As such, I’ll look into it, and remove where it apparently repeats.
Then I’ll re-upload it.

Thanks go to Skirb & Kaze I suppose.

*added’d “Skirb” and “Kaze” to Firefox dictionary*

EDIT: It is fixed now. Enjoy.
EDIT EDIT: In the previous post I said ESM 36 was the complex one. I meant ESM 35.

ESM Trifecta

They’ve been uploaded now.

ESM 35: Net Rapist
ESM 37: Zombo Kombat

ESM 36 is over a half an hour long, but ESM 37 is barely over ten minutes.
So you see, it balances out in a way.

Also, ESM 35 is my most complexly made ESM. This is because I’ve been experimenting with layers. Layers makes timing much more precise. It also raises quality. Of course, you may not notice any difference.

*added’d “Zombo” and “Kombat” to ze Firefox dictionary*
*added’d “ze” to ze Firefox dictionary*

EDIT: Fixed my errars. *added’d “errars” to ze Firefox dictionary*

Some Things of Importance

So, I broke up with my girlfriend.
I’m not going to get into it now, so don’t ask.
All you need to know (Assuming you care in the first place. XD), is that we’re still friends.

However, if you notice I seem to act different (Maybe more distant, and talking less.) that is the most likely reason. I say most likely because maybe something else happened. Ye never know.

Moving along, I’ve polished off three more ESMs.
They’re not uploaded yet. I’ll probably be upping them later today. Not sure as of yet.
I still have another hour of recordings to go through, so expect more ESMs besides those three eventually.


I am a Hypocrite.

At least, for the moment. I am giving advice without following said advice. ‘course, I’m giving that advice to myself, but I digress.

I told myself to juggle less games.

Instead, I did the opposite.


Oh, as to ESM status, I have recordings again, so I expect there will be some new ESMs sooner or later. I’m not currently sure as to how many. I DO have somewhere between 5 and 7 recordings to go through though. That’s over an hour of crap to listen to. Unfun.

*added’d “unfun”, and “ESM” to Firefox dictionary*

*added’d “added’d” to Firefox dictionary*

EDIT: MSN has been hating on me. Nurr.

Too Many Games

Seriously. I don’t want to admit it, but I have been juggling too many games.
I suppose I’ll just focus on a few at a time.
That should do it.

At least that’s the hope.

The problem is that I sometimes get burned out on a game when I focus on it.
That leads to me not playing it for awhile. Like Brawl, for instance.
Got burned out on that, and now I don’t play it except when at a friend’s house.

And don’t get me started on all the hacks out there.
WAY too many of those to juggle.
For example, the number of SMW hacks I’ve been playing are in the double digits!

Ah well. *turns on his DS*

EDIT: Oh yeah, I set up a backloggery template sig for my posts starting now. It’ll show my LPGs.


It’s a Quintuple Threat!

Okay, not really.
Unless you consider FIVE NEW ESMs to be threatening or something.
If so, there’s probably something wrong with thou.

So listen to ’em.

Wilt Thou Listen?
-> No

But Thou Must.
Wilt Thou Listen?
-> No

But Thou Must.
Wilt Thou Listen?

But Thou Must.
Wilt Thou Listen?
-> Fuck you!

But Thou Must.
Wilt Thou Listen?
-> Argh! DIE! *Attack*

But Thou Hast No Equipment. Also, Thou Must Listen.
Wilt Thou Listen?
-> /killself

Thou Art Dead.